Monday 18 June 2012

Internship: Log/Activity 18/6/2012

       The game development is almost come to the end. All the basic functions and movements were already done for examples like jelly movement, background music, score board, level design  and so on were already completed. We are now testing and looking for bugs. One of the bug is about the replay function. When the player intend to replay the previous level in order to achieve higher score, the record of the current level will be deleted. This means the player has to play again the levels start from the replay level.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Internship: Log/Activity 15/6/2012

             Today I continued by yesterday work, solving the  problem of score board. After trying a few ways to display scores in array, finally I found the right way to do it. The previous problem why the score cant be displayed was due to some logic errors. I had set the condition at  the wrong way. I called the viewScore function  when it reached at the last level, but actually it supposed been called in the next frame after the last level. In order to display do so, I set a new game mode called finish. When it reached the last level and the level is completed, I set the game mode to "finish". Once the OK button have been clicked, the function will just be call.  

Part of the source codes

The score board with recorded scores

ternship: Log/Activity 14/6/2012

          After I done creating the mute button and the rating part, I proceeded to help my coursemate on creating the score board at the end of the game. My coursemate planned to use sharedObject to store the high score achieved into a temporary array. At the end, all the high scores will be displayed at the score board by reading out from the array. My coursemate had successfully stored the score in a temporary array called tempArray. However, the score cannot be displayed at the score board. We were looking for the way to read the tempArray and displayed it in the score board instead of tracing the array in the output screen.

The content of tempArray using trace() function

The high score board

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Internship: Log/Activity 13/6/2012

          Today I continued my previous work on creating the sound button. Finally, I found one tutorial in Youtube on how to create a mute button. This tutorial really helped me a lot. First, I created a speaker like symbol as button. Then, some codes are written to set the condition for playing the background music. After that an on off characters are created as movie clip to indicated the sound status.

switch off the music

switch on the music

              After I had done the mute button, I turned to do the dialog box and high score. I had discussed with other team members about the scoring method we used. We decided to record the high score in each level instead of accumulate the score from the start to the end  of level. The score will be calculated based on  the amount of items collected. Stars rating will be displayed when the level is completed. 

The dialog box


Internship: Log/Activity 12/6/2012

            Today I had spent whole day time in making a sound button.  I had tried a few ways to define the sound button. At first, I created a symbol of sound button. The first two frames for mouse up and mouse over set as sound on, while the frames for mouse down and hit set as sound off. The button was worked but it displayed the sound on symbol even though the sound was off. Then I found out another way to do it. I  defined two buttons, one was on button and another was off button. It seem a bit weird with the design. Normally the sound button should be only one button.

The sound on and off button

Monday 11 June 2012

Internship: Log/Activity 11/6/2012

            Early in the Monday morning, I officially gave up to do the moving floor. I turned to do the replay button with my another coursemate. When everything is almost come to the end, more and  more problems are coming out. The button was only work outside of the game level. Furthermore,  we also don't know how can we restart the current key frame. The only thing that able to reset the lives and the position of the jelly.
replay button

             I had tried to link the replay button to the map of the current level. However, the scores of the previous level was reset to zero. So, I found out the use of I was not sure whether this method was really work, but I had successfully restore the score of the previous level. 

Internship: Log/Activity 8/6/2012

            Today, I continued to solve the problem that we faced yesterday. I found out that the level buttons in the map also not functioning besides of the start button. However, I still can't find the solution to solve this problem.
           Without wasting my time, I turned to do coding to add on the moving floor into the game level. In my opinion, the game level was look quite plain and less challenging. So, we have to add more challenges. I tried to use loop to make the floor moving left and right. However, it was not working. I also tried to find solution online but the codes were hard to understand. I had figured out my own idea but it was failed. My coursemate Hwee Boon, she was tried to use the idea of the moving enemy of the sample code. It was just partially worked. The reason why I said so because the jelly was not able to stand on the moving floor. Haiz~ another problem to solve.
The cupcake at the left side was the moving floor